D 2011L

D 2011L


These are the characteristics of the D 2011L

Oil-cooled 2 and 3-cylinder, also water- cooled 4-cylinder aspirated engine in inline construction.

Direct injection with single injection pumps and optional electronic governor.

Minimised running costs due to low maintenance need and little wear.

Best cold starting performance even under extreme conditions.

The robust engine design allows worldwide operation even with high sulphur fuels.

Low fuel consumption due to optimised combustion.

Long oil change intervals of up to 1000 hours.

A very good load response ensures an immediate power supply.

Technical specification

Kategori Gen Sets, DEUTZ
Kylning Olja
Cylindrar 2 / 4
kW 12 - 29
hp 15 - 39
Utsläppsnormer EU Stage III A
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